29th July 2022

Commissioner delivers on front counter pledge as Waterfoot Police Station reopens to the public

Commissioner Andrew Snowden with Chief Inspector Marie Jackson and Inspector Chris Valentine

Commissioner Snowden said: “It has always been my view that policing needs to be at the heart of local communities and providing access to a police front counter for all residents is a huge part of that.

“Seeing Waterfoot Police Station reopen its doors to the public is fantastic and it’s exactly what I promised to deliver when I was elected as Police and Crime Commissioner.

“Community intelligence is really important in taking the fight to criminals and each and every borough of Lancashire now has access to at least one open front counter making it easier for residents to speak to local officers, to raise concerns and to report crime.

“Together with the recruitment of hundreds of additional officers across Lancashire and the changes from combined response and neighbourhood policing to separate, dedicated teams, this will have a positive impact across the county and bring the police closer to the communities they work so hard to protect.”

Chief Inspector Marie Jackson from Rossendale Police added: “The service, operating weekdays from 9am-1pm, provides an additional way for local residents to contact us for non-urgent issues.

“We’re looking forward to welcoming anyone who wants more information on local policing  or who needs to discuss community problems.”

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