22nd October 2021

Commissioner Continues County-wide tour with visit to Chorley

The visit saw Andrew meet with police officers at Chorley Police Station before going on a walkabout in the town centre to hear from the town’s elected representatives, business owners and the public about crime and antisocial behaviour in the area.

The group heard how the Council was working with the police to deal with antisocial behaviour, persistent low-level crime and partnership working to keep the community safe. They also talked with members of the community including residents and business representatives about what they want to see from policing in the borough.

Speaking afterwards, Andrew Snowden said “I was glad political colours could be put to one side to meet with Chorley’s elected representatives, to discuss the issues that their constituents tell them that matter and also talk to business owners and residents about their priorities for policing.

“I have heard from people from across Lancashire about what their priorities for policing are and I am using these insights to feed into my police and crime plan which will focus on taking the fight to criminals and cracking down on those who blight our communities with their actions.

“I want the people of Chorley to know that I am on their side. With the increase in the number of police officers taking place, Chorley will see more officers on the beat, spending time focusing on real police work and getting to grips with crime and antisocial behaviour in the area”

Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP said:

“I was really pleased that Andrew was able to join us in Chorley to talk with residents and business owners across the town about policing here and what they want to see. We talked about some of the challenges we’re facing, around anti-social behaviour and other issues and how we can work together to tackle them.”

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