8th October 2021

Commissioner confirms more announcements to come at event to mark reopening of front counter

Speaking at the official ribbon cutting ceremony, taking place in Clitheroe after last month’s reinstatement of the front desk service, the Commissioner reiterated his pledge to ensure each borough council area has a dedicated front desk.

He also committed to continue strengthening neighbourhood policing and ensuring officers were accessible and recognisable within their communities as extra officers are put on the streets through the Government’s policing uplift programme.

Andrew was joined at the celebration by Chief Inspector Marie Jackson, Ribble Valley Borough Council leader Stephen Atkinson and County Councillors who represent the Ribble Valley at Lancashire County Council.

Speaking afterwards, the Commissioner said:

“It’s been fantastic to hear, in the weeks since Clitheroe police station reopened to the public, the positive reaction across the area. People have told us how they value the ability to talk face to face with police officers, and also what it represents as part of our commitment to making sure Lancashire Constabulary is accessible to the people it serves.

“We are continuing to take a fair and balanced approach that ensures each borough has access to a police front desk whilst balancing resources against the priority of getting officers onto our streets, getting tough on criminals.

“We are listening to what the public want from policing and I’ll continue to lead the fight against crime within Lancashire, utilising our resources in the best possible ways to ensure people aren’t only safer but feel safer too. There will be more announcements in the coming weeks and months as I build on my commitment to work with the Chief Constable to ensure there is nowhere to hide for criminals in Lancashire.”


Photo L-R:

County Cllr Ged Mirfin; Chief Insp Marie Jackson; PCC Andrew Snowden; County Cllr Sue Hind; Cllr Stephen Atkinson, Leader of Ribble Valley Borough Council.

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